Some part of me is deeply connected to the moon, and for many years, I have gone to the beach to watch the full moon rising out of the ocean. It’s a magical moment as glorious as any sunrise.
Bringing the moon into your spiritual practice, I find is a really great way to tune into your life in a deep and more connected way. The sun shows us everything in clear daylight, the Moon works with darkness & the shadows…such a metaphor for healing and transformation.
Moon rituals are an AWESOME tool for spiritual growth and awareness, reminding us that just like the moon cycle, our lives also go through phases of growth and renewal. Theses cycles spiritually represent beginnings and endings by bringing awareness around your dreams and desires, as well as completion to things in your life that may not be benefiting you on your journey.
That mysterious ball of rock spinning 239,000 miles from Earth has been the source of myths and superstitions for centuries. It takes around 30 days to make its orbit around the Earth, 29.5 days to be exact and is measured from new moon to new moon.
During the Middle Ages, philosophers and scientists believed that a Full Moon caused ‘unusual behavior,’ seizures, and episodes of fever and rheumatism. Luna, the Latin word for the moon… Caused lunacy. Patients were called lunatics which literally means “Moon Sick.”
I always feel the approach of the Full Moon viscerally & if you pay attention to the world around you, you’ll notice it too. Tides rise during a Full Moon and in our bodies, which are over 75% water, it seems the full moon has an effect on our physiology. I always remind my students and clients to take time to slow down and ground themselves during the four days surrounding a Full Moon. The energy rises, people become aggressive on the roads, impatient and reactive… so take deep breaths, and try not to react when people around you are going nuts!!
Full Moons mark the end of a cycle. It’s a time for celebration and gratitude, appreciating how far you have come, survived, and what you have learned along the way.
It’s also the perfect opportunity to check in with yourself and shed light on areas of your life that are not working for you or serving your greater good! These are thoughts, behaviors, or patterns you are accustomed to. They are even people you have outgrown, even old jeans you’ll never fit back into. They are deep-rooted limiting beliefs, toxic situations, relationships, and emotions that you haven’t previously been ready to get rid of. The Full Moon is the perfect time to take that energy and LET THAT SHIT GO!
A Time For Clearing, Appreciation & Honoring Yourself
Moon rituals are a great way to clear the emotional and psychological clutter in your life. They also help you get back in touch with that sense of wonder you had as a child when magic seemed to be waiting just around every corner. While they don't have to be elaborate or take up a lot of your time, they're still a great way to appreciate your emotions, strengthen positive connections (or cut those unhealthy negative ties), and honor yourself by taking care of your whole being.
Full moons are all about releasing what does not serve you. Let that shit go!
Light a candle and write on a piece of paper what you wish to release from your experience. Safely burn the piece of paper or tear it into pieces to release it all.
If you have crystals in your home, place them outside in the moonlight to be cleansed and recharged.
Moon bathe.. stand out and let the full moon rays cover your body. Again, if you focus or speak what you want to release, consider the job done.
Take A full moon bath, with minerals or Bath salts, grounding yourself, purifying and releasing everything into the water.
Full Moon Affirmations are a great addition to your Full Moon Ritual. They are your declaration to the Universe that you are open and READY for what you speak or write OUT LOUD. Ask and you shall receive!
During a New MOON, the sky is dark and it’s like a blank slate for CREATION…it’s a great time for you to decide what you want to bring into your life this coming month! It’s about setting your intentions for manifestation. It’s like pressing the reset button all over again.
Light a candle, close your eyes and picture one thing that you want more than anything.
Create the visual and then the key is to FEEL what that would be like.. how it feels, looks, smells, sounds, tastes! CREATE it with your senses.
In your journal, write out your intention in as much detail as you can, expressing on the page WHY you want this particular thing, this experience.
At the bottom, write “AND SO IT IS!”
Blow out your candle and place your hand on your heart to seal it in.
I particularly love seeing a crescent moon as it peeps out of the darkness. It feels like a new beginning and that’s exactly what it represents! It’s symbolic of rebirth…it’s all going to be OK because now the light has come.
Now its time to check in with the actions you are taking to move towards your dreams & goals.
Get organized with a calendar, make a list.
Share your goals with a friend so they can help you be accountable.
Look up at the sky and Bathe in that light!
Be sure to check back often to get my next blog for inspiration on life, love, transformational healing, spiritual teachings for personal growth, and so much more!